Monday, February 14, 2011


In my life I have done many mistakes that I regretted and with that many promises I made to not do it again I always failed. Mistakes are not easy to erase in the mind of people who witnessed that mistakes we've done but even though that's how it goes we must have the courage to face all the problems even though there are people who let us down. Changing one self is not easy it takes many practices but as TYRA BANKS said in the fashion industry that "PERFECT IS BORING, HUMAN IS BEAUTIFUL." This quote tells us that its okay to be imperfect. But what do people forget is the values that they must have and that is one of the weakness I have. I usually get influenced easily by the people around me a million times I tried to change and a million times I heard feedback's but still I can't change the person I am. I am just a human which makes mistakes but what I do have is the values that my parents taught me and I am thankful to them for that, that they are making me a better person. Be yourself but be a person with values because that is one thing people they can't forget you about.

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